deno install Omit/exclude dev dependencies from package.json
So I revisited this just now and everything is so nice. Here's my deno sveltekit project
Check that last PR for relevant changes, but yeah, using the deno.json and deno.lock are working great, how deno.lock handles the dependencies is really cool, it's using workspace feature to handle deps in both deno.json and package.json. And it looks like as long as they're the same version, for "prod" deps in deno.json, there's no duplication. Really cool! I also added a Dockerfile to test all this easily, but it is all working on deploy now!
Yeah that's the github issue I mentioned, the last thing they're waiting on is rootDirs compiler option working in the language server. After that gets fixed I'm pretty sure we can strip out the package.json and tsconfig, and do sveltekit in a deno native way (after some extra config), and use deno lsp!
This is another project to keep eye on for ideas they have a deno monorepo with a sveltekit project in it. They've also been active in that issue
14 replies
I run "deno -A npm:drizzle-kit generate", deno hits me with "Cannot find module 'drizzle-kit'"
It needs node_modules
5 replies
deno install Omit/exclude dev dependencies from package.json
I need to test again, but originally I had issues with including the lockfile (I’m deploying to deploy) so I don’t have it atm. It’s unfortunate but at least my prod dependencies don’t include hundreds other deps lol, so it’s okay for now
I also have to be careful about which deps I use because if they use global node APIs it breaks (I’m using node adapter currently, node adapter doesn’t fix all the globals)
14 replies
Zed Deno Support
I use deno and zed daily, there’s some configuration you have to do to disable the native js, ts, and some other language servers. And reload the editor after those config changes
And here’s the config I use
2 replies
permission denied error when running deno install inside dockerfile
Seems like the deno user doesn’t have permissions in /app. Also seems like your lockfile is outdated, it shouldn’t be trying to write (there are flags that alter that behavior also)
3 replies
Deno import use for local files?
For the import map, just makes things cleaner, even in your new example instead of that the import could be just from
or whatever you name it
I just tried with deno’s file-server from @std/http and it’s all working. And that’s with content type being some weird video format lol, maybe deno doesn’t care11 replies