(Littledivy's SDL2 bindings) textures not loading properly
if you do that, feel free to ask me, i have a somewhat full example of openvr to deno ffi here that handles a lot of ffi quirks etc https://github.com/mommysgoodpuppy/OpenVR_TS_Bindings_Deno
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(Littledivy's SDL2 bindings) textures not loading properly
i get that, you could maybe setup something cursed like deno python to sdl
18 replies
(Littledivy's SDL2 bindings) textures not loading properly
Ive looked at divys sdl binding for a little bit, theyre still quite a bit work in progress. So its likely issues are on the package side. If you need just a window there are other ways but if you need SDL specifically the package needs more work.
18 replies