API server with Postgres on Deno Deploy ConnectionParamsError
ConnectionParamsError: Missing connection parameters: database at assertRequiredOptions (https://deno.land/x/postgres@v0.19.3/connection/connection_params.ts:250:11)...

I cannot make deno exclude dist/ directory
directory from formatting but couldn't. I tried the exclude
and fmt.exclude
fields in deno.json
and tried different values—dist
, dist/
, dist/*
—but nothing worked. Every single time I run deno fmt
(in the same directory where my deno.json
is), I see that the files in dist/
directory are also formatted.
It's not a dealbreaker but being unable to get something so small and simple is quite annoying. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Thanks!...Writing a script to check which process is locking a file on Windows?
package stood out, but it doesn't provide any functions that may be relevant. ...loadEnvFile
Compiled executable fails to run as service
deno run service.ts
, but it immeadiatly fails to start if compiled with deno compile service.ts
and the .exe is added to the servicehow to use .ts files (or their compiled .js equivalents) in the browser?
Fresh defer load
Loading ...
message there.
The thing, how can I do it with fresh? In other frameworks, I could just return a promise and it would just defer for me, or the usage of some kind of a suspense would do that, but I haven't seen anything on the docs about defer load or returning a promise from the loader. Is there just no conventional way of doing it? Do I need to do it the "old" way (create an api endpoint, return the data, call fetch on an island and pray it works)?...Workspace - container per app?
VS Code Deno formatter doesn't read deno.jsonc
Build and bundle TS into JS
Read dependency directory
Import type: css ?
import style from './xxx.css' with { type: 'css' };
import style from './xxx.css' with { type: 'css' };
...How do i import local npm pacakge in deno project?
Deno.dlopen does not support flags
Compiled Deno project can't import typescript code
deno compile optimizations
How to initialize global variable so it can be accessed without globalThis?
if( __DEV__ && ... )
if( __DEV__ && ... )
Workspace documentation lacks explanation of `exports` member in deno.json
member ina deno.json file. The example shows it as a single string. There's no explanation of the exports member in the documenation for workspaces, monorepos, nor the "deno.json and package.json" help page, either.
I am trying to understand how I can share commonly used enums across all of my microservices; but, I got confused. If my enums are declared in individual *.ts files (e.g. Statuses.ts, ExpirationTypes.ts, etc), how do I mark this up in my root-level and module-level deno.json files such that I can access the enums from within all modules?
Specific example:...Unable to log in to deno deploy

Proper way to install deno on NixOS
curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh | sh
But i am on nixos, what should be the proper way to install and run deno on NixOS?...