


Chat about Deno, a modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.


Deno is not installed globally

Guys please help me, i'm using fedora at first. When installed it with curl -fsSL | sh it's working only once, when i closed the terminal and opening it again i got bash: deno: command not found..., i don't want to use vfox too, because i need to use vfox use deno --global each time.:hooray_deno:...

Deno suddenly just stopped working and went down

We use Deno as a driver on top of a MongoDB for our 60K user platform. About an hour ago Deno just stopped working and the activity went to 0 from about 6 million calls.

About imports

Hi, I'm new to Deno and looking for answers regarding imports. 1. deno add @org/package registers the package at deno.jsonc.imports even if import_maps.json is present. Can this be configured, or is Deno moving away from placing import aliases in a separate file? On one hand, having a separate file seems maintainable; on the other, the import map is kind of a Deno "feature."
2. The documentation at suggests that I should avoid using * when importing only one function (import * as fs from "";). However, since version 1.5, Deno does tree-shaking, making this seem irrelevant. Is this correct?...

Use ESLint with Deno

Is it possible to use ESLint with Deno? I know that Deno has a build in formatter and linter but the ruleset is kinda small and plug-ins are not supported yet. Are there any guides out there on how to use ESLint with Deno? Thanks...

TypeError [ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES]: May not write null values to stream

Our production server has started crashing frequently because of this error. At this point, we have to seriously consider moving back to Node, unless someone here can help. This is all the details we get when the error is thrown: `TypeError [ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES]: May not write null values to stream...

[uncaught application error]: TypeError - ctx.request.body is not a function

`.post("/savedata",async (ctx) => { if (!ctx.request.hasBody) { ctx.response.status = 400; ctx.response.body = { error: "No data provided" }; return;...

How to update in a cli distributed via jsr?

My cli is installed using:
deno install -Agf jsr:@smallweb/embed
deno install -Agf jsr:@smallweb/embed

node_modules / package.json Auto Import Fix?

I'm using package.json to manage my dependencies. I'm using VSCode with the Deno extension. The auto import suggestions always tries to import from a file in node_modules, e.g.
import { Hono } from "../node_modules/hono/dist/types/index.d.ts";
import { Hono } from "../node_modules/hono/dist/types/index.d.ts";
I want it to import like...

Is it possible to capture console log output?

I see that console.log calls out to core.op_print. Is it possible to patch an object so that I can capture log output? Similar to how one might patch process.stdout.write with node?

Good way to re-export with document?

I have a library, and I want to rename my class. I want to keep backward compatibility, but I don't want new users to use it, so I want to make it as deprecated. Are there any good way to do re-export class, but with additional jsdoc?...

Has anyone set up Deno's LSP on WASM with monaco?

I want to create a web-only monaco editor for Deno scripts, is it possible to run it on WASM and connect to monaco language server plugin?

Running Angular SSR on Deno Deploy

I have an Angular application with SSR, and when I run it locally with Deno, it runs without any problem, but I don't know how to host my application in Deno Deploy. To run Angular with SSR with Deno, I would have to do deno task serve:ssr:<name>...

Serial port reading and writing

How would one read and write to a serial port in Deno?

How to set up VS Code with Deno workspaces

I'm trying workspaces, introduced since Deno 1.45. It works well with the deno CLI, but in VS Code, red underlines show up on import statements. (I guess this issue is relevant?) Is it a bug of Deno's LSP or my mistake? Is there any best practice to set up VS Code with Deno workspaces?

Angular on Deno

Hello everyone! Got a problem with Deno and would like to ask for your advice. I'm trying to serve a new default angular project but get it being built infinitely. The command is basically: ng serve...

Importing deno modules with import maps

Hi, I am currently trying to import a deno library either locally or via url. The library contains a deno.json file containing an import map for jar packages. I have tried importing the mod.ts file (which thows an error complaining about local imports (no import map to resolve them)....

has there been a regression in 1.44.3 in deno ffi?

the smallest repro i could make: on linux amd64 host, put these 2 files in the same directory, and run docker run --rm $(docker build -q .)...

TypeError: fileHandle.stat is not a function means Deno is not compatible with the package?

I was trying to use twitter-api-v2 npm package and upload media to the tweet but couldn't

Private NPM Registry config with $HOME/.npmrc and project/.npmrc

I'm trying to introduce Deno into my company that use Azure Npm Registry Something missing with the config below. (That the configuration that work with NPM) My configuration ...

Mono Repo - Enable Paths

I tried to follow the guide below to use enable paths but VSCode keeps giving the following error Cannot find name 'Deno'.ts(2304) Any help please?
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