"Publishing" deno packages to a web accessible S3 and resolve deno.json workspace members?
I think you will need to make it more like a cdn serving the files and you cannot use deno.json since would be imported as http module
So maybe for publishing you can bundle your deno code into one single file using something like
2 replies
Deno and NestJs
I have a repro for deno v2 and nestjs
4 replies
Can use Deno to create a NestJs or Angular project?
Repro for deno v2 and nestjs
3 replies
Run Nest.js with Deno2.0
I think I got it working following this I'm creating a repro
17 replies
Run Nest.js with Deno2.0
I tried directly with deno and did not work
deno -A npm:@nestjs/cli new deno-2-nestjs
So for more complex scenarios (like this one, running nestjs) we have to use a know package manager like npm, pnpm and use deno run the app, does that make sense?17 replies