Caleb Cox
Caleb Cox
Created by Caleb Cox on 10/3/2024 in #help
Iterator is not defined when creating a snapshot with init_ops_and_esm
I've been following the roll your own runtime blog post series to make a simple CLI powered by deno_core. It's worked great, but I'm having trouble on part 3: setting up snapshots. My runtime.js file is just this:
class StdinIterator extends Iterator {
next() {
const line = Deno.core.ops.op_stdin_line();
if (line === null) {
return { done: true };
return { value: line, done: false };

globalThis.stdin = new StdinIterator();
class StdinIterator extends Iterator {
next() {
const line = Deno.core.ops.op_stdin_line();
if (line === null) {
return { done: true };
return { value: line, done: false };

globalThis.stdin = new StdinIterator();
In my, I'm creating the snapshot like this:
CreateSnapshotOptions {
cargo_manifest_dir: env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"),
startup_snapshot: None,
skip_op_registration: false,
extensions: vec![kaw::init_ops_and_esm()],
with_runtime_cb: None,
extension_transpiler: None,
CreateSnapshotOptions {
cargo_manifest_dir: env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"),
startup_snapshot: None,
skip_op_registration: false,
extensions: vec![kaw::init_ops_and_esm()],
with_runtime_cb: None,
extension_transpiler: None,
But I get the error Failed to initialize JsRuntime for snapshotting: Uncaught ReferenceError: Iterator is not defined. Inheriting from Iterator works fine without using snapshots. Also, I found that switching to extensions: vec![kaw::init_ops()] in when creating the snapshot seems to work fine, but the docs seem to indicate that I should use init_ops_and_esm when creating the snapshot and init_ops only when using the snapshot in So my question is is it OK to create the snapshot with init_ops instead of init_ops_and_esm? If not, is there a way to access Iterator inside snapshotted code? Thanks in advance for any help! It's been really fun getting Rust and JS working together with deno_core!
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