bad resource id with node:crypto
Here's another example of native deno aes encryption/decryption (from an old just-for-fun-project of mine) https://github.com/Hexagon/lock/blob/master/src/encryption.ts
10 replies
Speed of generators
Late answer, but an interesting topic <:cookie_deno:1002977285734932480>
I agree with marvinh, you should profile your code to see if the actual loop are the bottleneck. If so, is it possible to reduce iteration count? Is it possible to offload these operations to a (rust or whatever) microservice, or offload to wasm within the application? What if you micro-optimize to reasonable performance, and the load/volume increase later?
I've found myself having questions like these a couple of times. It has always resulted in a completely different solution at the end 🥸
If you're just curious, you should microbenhmark the sh*t out of it <:party_deno:1035517691517218847> , something like https://github.com/Hexagon/primer (but with loops)
11 replies
Empty output in Deno.Command
@vwkd Have you tried "--format", "%h %s"? Since it is an array of arguments, you shouldn't need to enclose arguments with space in quotes - as long as you don't do anything funky, like pass a command as an argument to a command.
4 replies