Created by localhost on 2/7/2025 in #help
Compiled executable fails to run as service
I'm trying to setup a deno script as a windows service. I created a DLL in C and am loading with Deno.dlopen. I can start the service when using deno run service.ts, but it immeadiatly fails to start if compiled with deno compile service.ts and the .exe is added to the service
1 replies
Created by localhost on 2/3/2025 in #help
Compiled Deno project can't import typescript code
Does Deno compile remove its ability to import typescript code? This only work in deno run, but fails on the deno compile bynary
async function importjs(js: string, filename = "importedjs") {
const dataUri =
"data:text/typescript;charset=utf-8," +
encodeURIComponent(js) +
`//# sourceURL=${filename}.ts;`;
const r = await import(dataUri);
return r;

(await importjs(`export default () => "hello world" as any`)).default()
async function importjs(js: string, filename = "importedjs") {
const dataUri =
"data:text/typescript;charset=utf-8," +
encodeURIComponent(js) +
`//# sourceURL=${filename}.ts;`;
const r = await import(dataUri);
return r;

(await importjs(`export default () => "hello world" as any`)).default()
6 replies
Created by localhost on 7/14/2024 in #help
Has anyone set up Deno's LSP on WASM with monaco?
I want to create a web-only monaco editor for Deno scripts, is it possible to run it on WASM and connect to monaco language server plugin?
5 replies