Cron job still "Executing" while it's Failed since +24h
Changing unique name "resolved" this issue but it seems like process is still not close somewhere because I reverted my unique name change to previous one "Cron job" and it got back to "Executing" Failed state. It should have called
somewhere but this is called only signal.abort as the code states here: https://fossies.org/linux/www/deno-2.1.2.tar.gz/deno-2.1.2/ext/cron/01_cron.ts?m=t (search core.close(rid);
Also docs is wrong: https://docs.deno.com/deploy/kv/manual/cron/#retrying-failed-runs
It says that backoffSchedule
(options) should be in last arg but code says that it should be third if an handler is present. Basically it should be:
see: https://fossies.org/linux/www/deno-2.1.2.tar.gz/deno-2.1.2/ext/cron/01_cron.ts?m=t (search function cron(
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