Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
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Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
I don't get "bored". The context depends. The fraud that is "race" classification scheme in the U.S. I plan on challenging in the U.S. Supreme Court to get rid of that nonsense. When folks were giving Colin Kaepernick grief for not standing for whatever ceremony I said, well, do these folks even know the history of that flag they are expecting people to salute? No, they don't. E.I.C. was the first modern "corporation" (Yale University is named after Elihu Yale, a sacked president of the East India Company), had its own standing army, were "slavers", what is really just an international human-trafficking criminal enterprise the Crown and later U.S. engaged in. So, when I ask these would-be patriotic folks, "Where did those stripes on your flag come from?" and they have no clue, we know they are just faking the funk, putting on airs. Since I don't watch news, a friend may say, hey, so and so happened, if I'm interested, I'll get to the absolute origin of the claims. In law, that process is called statutory construction: To determine what a word in a law or admin. reg. meant when enacted.
99 replies
Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
No matter what the subject-matter or topic is the approach is the same: Somebody claims something. I vet that claim and determine the veracity of the claim based on evidence.
99 replies
Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
All kinds. History; law; administrative records; technology; e.g., who first used the term "spread operator" where spread syntax is not an "operator" in JavaScript (ECMA-262). For clients could be locating some document that may or may not still be cached on the Web for litigation. Another example is locating the first usage of the terms "white" "race" and "race" itself and the definitions people have used since "race" political classification scheme was invented by English colonists in the Caribbean in the 17th c., C.E. though attributed to western academia to Bernier, 1684; and why "race" classification is a fraud, circa 2023. The origin of the term "America", and why no such fiction exists; the origin of the stripes on the U.S. national flag and why that design is not original, rather is derived from the Flag of the E.I.C. which itself is not original, that is, heraldry; the history of the C.S.A. national flag. Et al.
99 replies
Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
It's all good. I ain't on the Web to makes friends or kowtow to somebody else or be concerned with their alleged feelings. I'm a primary source researcher, so I have to set aside any "feelings" when performing research. It's about the facts: dates, times, people, places, events - not how somebody claims they feel. Anyway. It was funny when I notified Node.js folks their implementation of fetch() was broken. One Member said bans ain't permanent. Then said, well, Node.js ain't lifting the ban. He did file the issue I linked to above. Only to have other Node.js Members claim to not know what Native Messaging is. OTOH, it took Bun a while to fix their streams implementation, including prematurely closing the issue. However, they actually did fix the issue I filed about the other day AFAIK Node.js folks still have not even bothered to reproduce the bug I reported. Too high on their horses.
Beware of horses I mean a horse is a horse of course, but who rides is important Sitting high with a uniform, barking orders, demanding order - Report to the Shareholders/Kill Your Masters, Run The Jewels
99 replies
Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
Be careful with that. Some humans are rotten to the core. They want to dominate and be the head person in charge, not have their carefully crafted narratives questioned or torn to shreds and overtly dismissed. That ain't "disrespect", that is the scientific method:
Now watch. ..., this how science works. One researcher comes up with a result. And that is not the truth. No, no. A scientific emergent truth is not the result of one experiment. What has to happen is somebody else has to verify it. Preferably a competitor. Preferably someone who doesn't want you to be correct. - Neil deGrasse Tyson, May 3, 2017 at 92nd Street Y
99 replies
Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
That term "respectable" is completely arbitrary. It took me around 10 years to find that out. "Respect" is just an emotion based on somebody elses' feelings at that given moment in time. I don't call people out of their user names. I do vet spurious claims, no matter who makes them.
99 replies
Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
Deno authors banned me from contribiting to their repositories on GitHub, too!
99 replies
Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
I have tried to document all of the reasons provided, when provided, when I got banned from this or that platform or orgranization. Most of the reasons given are completely absurd. Typical closed-oop systems that can't deal with challenges to their dogma.
99 replies
Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
Star the issue on if you are so inclined. Chromium authors banned me from contributing there, among other folks who can't handle constructive feedback or dissent from their top-down narratives Either way, I'm gonna do what I want on my machine.
99 replies
Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
No worries. Happy hacking!
99 replies
Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
WebTransport (using QUIC) is another option.
99 replies
Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
This is what they are trying to do Sounds like what you are trying to do. The IWA can be launched from a local .swbn file or remote .swbn file I'm pretty sure all WebRTC communication is encrypted. Including WebRTC Data Channels
Since all WebRTC components are required to use encryption, any data transmitted on an RTCDataChannel is automatically secured using Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS). See Security below for more information.
so in your case you would use WebRTC data channels (see for raw data and WebRTC Media Capture Transform for audio and video.
99 replies
Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
If you deploy a Signed Web Bundle you can guarantee only that code will be run. That's kind of the point of Isolated Web Apps. However, as you can see, I've gotten around the idea of users only being able to use Direct Sockets in the IWA, and not launched and controlled from an arbitrary Web page.
99 replies
Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
What you can do is your best. In this case I would use W3C Media Capture Transform and just relay what that specification claims about end-to-end encryption, rather than making this or that claim about "security" in an inherently insecure and fragile natural world.
99 replies
Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
have to work a tiny little bit
That's relative. The problem is you have no means to verify your solution(s) work. Nobody has to disclose to you your system has potentially multiple holes.
99 replies
Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
Well, after the Target hack credit card processors and banks and indurance agencies agreed on EMV technology. Some called it quantum computing. Now, ethical hackers could spend a lot of time and money creating a clean room to compromise the EMV technology, and prove folks walking around with "chips" in heir pocket were not safe due to EMV technology. Of course the $5 wrench makes EMV technology and a clean room to ethically hack null and void.
99 replies
Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
William Binney was an in-house Director at U.S. N.S.A. The team he was a part of essentially monitored all signal communications in the entire world.
99 replies
Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
All signal communications can be intercepted. Period. Whether you are online or offline. There was a case in recent years of a state agent who was arrested for murdering a civilian. During pre-trial motions it was stipulated that the defendant would not try to access or alter the information in a device the state had possession of. Think about that.
99 replies
Created by .. on 8/14/2023 in #help
How can I send a number across a Deno.TcpConn as stream of bytes?
... you would just be using the term "security" without verification, which the scientific method requires.
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