Created by Josu on 10/2/2024 in #help
Deno Jupyter Lab tsconfig
And deno.json works in Jupyter with VSCode?
8 replies
Created by Josu on 10/2/2024 in #help
Deno Jupyter Lab tsconfig
Ok. just to be sure, does it mean that tsconfig is not working fine in VS Code with Jupyter?, I am using it but I do not still receive some expected errors, e.g: class Point { x = 0; y = 0; }
const pt = new Point(); pt.x = "0"; // This should be an error
8 replies
Created by Josu on 10/2/2024 in #help
Deno Jupyter Lab tsconfig
Doest It means tha it would be better move to jupyter for VScode and left jupyter lab (actually I am using jupyerlab in docker)?
8 replies