Created by pihentagy on 2/9/2024 in #help
Where can I find support for that lib? Tried here, but not much happening…
2 replies
Created by pihentagy on 1/2/2024 in #help
get hours & minutes in a specific timezone
Maybe I search the wrong way, but all I'd like to do is to use a specific timezone in my project running on deno.dev. So how can I figure out a Date object's hour and minute (in a specifc timezone?)
6 replies
Created by pihentagy on 12/12/2023 in #help
Google Calendar
Hi! I am looking for a minimal example how to access google calendar API. I already obtained credentials.json form Google, just would like to have a minimal "hello world" of Google calendars. Like list all of my calendars. I am stuck at this point: how to assemble a CredentialsClient? https://doc.deno.land/https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/calendar:v3.ts/~/CredentialsClient ps: is this a good place to ask it? I cannot find a good relevant label, which signals maybe I'm not at the right place…
8 replies
Created by pihentagy on 10/26/2023 in #help
kv store key granuality
How cheap are the kv.get operations? Say I have a userprofile with 3 fields, should I create 3 keys for them, so that I can easily update th 3 fields, or should I keep number of keys low, and just have one value for the user (in that case when updating, one should first get the "complex" value, update it and then write back the updated value)
7 replies