Created by 5t111111 on 10/2/2024 in #help
What is the right way to publish a module that depends on a package hosted on deno.land/x to JSR?
I am developing a module that depends on a package hosted only on deno.land/x . When importing modules with the https specifier, you know, it is unable to publish them to JSR. Therefore, I referred to this page (https://jsr.io/docs/migrate-x-to-jsr#manually-refactor-your-package) and tried to resolve the issue by specifying "vendor": true in deno.json to download the dependent packages into the vendor directory, then committing them to Git. However, when I try to import modules from the ./vendor directory, I get the error Importing from the vendor directory is not permitted . How can I resolve this issue and publish a module that depends on a package hosted exclusively on deno.land/x to JSR?
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