Birk Skyum
Birk Skyum
Created by Birk Skyum on 11/29/2023 in #help
Webgl2 in Deno i.e. for unit testing
nodejs has this challenge that there is no way to run webgl2 (or webgpu), i.e. for unit testing. There is a solution for webgl1, through the use of Is there a way to run webgl2 in deno, headless?
6 replies
Created by Birk Skyum on 11/12/2023 in #help
byonm - force use of Deno
When I use byonm enabled in my deno.json, and say I have a vite project triggered from a package.json with i.e. "deno task dev", it appears to just my code with Node.js underneath. Is there a way to force use of deno througout, somewhat similar to what bun has with --bun flag to overwrite uses of Node.js?
3 replies