Birk Skyum
canary `deno install` - can't find npm modules
deno 2.0.0-rc.1+7bfcb4d
I'm having a deno.json like this
I run
deno install
I have a test like this:
Why can the type declarations not be found? deno install
doesn't seem to make a node_modules folder by default - is that necessary for this this type to be found, or can the import mapping work?
I also have the vitest.config.ts like this:
and when I run the task deno task test
I get an error that "vitest/config" also can't be found:
7 replies
Webgl2 in Deno i.e. for unit testing
nodejs has this challenge that there is no way to run webgl2 (or webgpu), i.e. for unit testing. There is a solution for webgl1, through the use of Is there a way to run webgl2 in deno, headless?
6 replies
byonm - force use of Deno
When I use byonm enabled in my deno.json, and say I have a vite project triggered from a package.json with i.e. "deno task dev", it appears to just my code with Node.js underneath.
Is there a way to force use of deno througout, somewhat similar to what bun has with --bun flag to overwrite uses of Node.js?
3 replies