std/http/setCookie doesn't work?
That is indeed weird behavior, however you can pass multiple cookies using the Headers constructor: https://deno.land/std@0.211.0/http/cookie.ts?s=getSetCookies#Examples
7 replies
drizzle orm for deno and sqlite?
Looks like there's still this open issue from the drizzle-orm side as well https://github.com/drizzle-team/drizzle-orm/issues/252
5 replies
deployctl error: TypeError: request or response body error
Mine spun for a few seconds but it eventually did deploy https://healthy-whale-46-n379ew7zht5s.deno.dev/
4 replies
compile to target, 'unzip' not found.
I notice the error message is in
in deno, so maybe if you upgrade the deno executable manually by uninstalling and reinstalling it will go away
If the error persists after a reinstall, you might want to make a minimallu reproducible build example and post it as a github issue (or here)5 replies
get hours & minutes in a specific timezone
I think date-fns can help you here: see the examples on https://date-fns.org/v3.0.6/docs/Time-Zones
6 replies
How to format on save with devcontainer
Check the documentation here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=denoland.vscode-deno#formatting
In particular, note that their example puts the default formatter under the
key5 replies
Recommendations for interacting with Excel sheets (.xlsx) and GraphQL?
If you're set on using JavaScript, you may have success with a similar DataFrame library such as Danfo.js: https://danfo.jsdata.org/api-reference/input-output/danfo.read_excel
5 replies
Recommendations for interacting with Excel sheets (.xlsx) and GraphQL?
Using .xlsx directly is somewhat unusual; I'd recommend first importing the spreadsheet data into a relational database such as Postgresql. From there it will be easier to access from the GraphQL server. To be honest, I know this is a Deno server, but it may be easier to import xlsx data using Python and Pandas, which has methods like https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.read_excel.html
5 replies