$ cargo build # Attempt with deno_runtime = "0.139.0" Updating crates.io indexerror: failed to select a version for the requirement `deno_ast = "^1.0.1"`candidate versions found which didn't match: 0.32.1, 0.32.0, 0.31.6, ...location searched: crates.io indexrequired by package `deno_runtime v0.139.0` ... which satisfies dependency `deno_runtime = "^0.139.0"` of package `<crate-name> v0.1.0 (/var/home/opticaldisc/<path>)`perhaps a crate was updated and forgotten to be re-vendored?
$ cargo build # Attempt with deno_runtime = "0.140.0" Updating crates.io indexerror: failed to select a version for the requirement `deno_ast = "^1.0.1"`candidate versions found which didn't match: 0.32.1, 0.32.0, 0.31.6, ...location searched: crates.io indexrequired by package `deno_runtime v0.140.0` ... which satisfies dependency `deno_runtime = "^0.140.0"` of package `<crate-name> v0.1.0 (/var/home/opticaldisc/<path>)`perhaps a crate was updated and forgotten to be re-vendored?