Created by rajsite on 2/18/2023 in #help
Cache related headers not included in deno deploy for static file serving
I have a hello world level static site using serveDir. When I run the site locally I see that Weak E-Tag headers are included in responses for the static files and can verify in dev tools that caching works. When I deploy the site with deno deploy I don't see any caching and each request sends the full response to the browser. I can see that compression is running as described in the caching documentation but the docs seem to suggest that if Weak E-tags are included (which I assume is the case since that is how serveDir is behaving locally) that I would expect them in the responses. - Any ideas on why deno deploy is not including caching headers in responses? - Related, how can I get insights into the responses of my app before Deno's frontend (i.e. how can debug / confirm my server is still including E-Tags in it's responses before the Deno deploy gateway takes over). Deno deploy caching docs: https://deno.com/deploy/docs/compression#what-happens-to-my-etag-header Example app:
import { serve } from "https://deno.land/std@0.177.0/http/server.ts";
import { serveDir } from "https://deno.land/std@0.177.0/http/file_server.ts";

serve(async (req) => {
return await serveDir(req);
import { serve } from "https://deno.land/std@0.177.0/http/server.ts";
import { serveDir } from "https://deno.land/std@0.177.0/http/file_server.ts";

serve(async (req) => {
return await serveDir(req);
In a directory structure like the following:
Deployed using deployctl with the current directory at the root of the path shown above and pointing to src/main.ts. Can see an example deployed site here showing caching not working: https://rajsite-gnpsdwjvtpk0.deno.dev/
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