use-case: web component development in deno
My use-case is quite simple, really. But I have a hard time finding the tooling to work with it.
- I have plain HTML, say "index.html", some CSS, say "app.css", and some typescript.
- I want to include this typescript in the HTML.
- I want a webserver that reloads the index.html page whenever any of the files changes
- I want to have a build process that transpiles the TS into JS so that I can package this file and possibly some more assets.
The last part is not the hard part. I expect to have to do some custom work for that and that's fine.
The first three are hard for me. I cannot find anything in deno that does this for me.
Note: I don't want a full fledged framework or even static site built from markdown. But if abusing some framework solves my cases, maybe that's fine.
All I want, is to serve, recompile (well, retranspile) and reload a few files on change. I'd exect this to be a very common use-case, so maybe I'm overlooking something obvious? It's very much like the jsfiddle and such out there, except local.
I don't need it integrated in some IDE. Just a single command that fires the dev-server and listens to files being updated (on a linux machine, if that matters).
I've somewhat managed with "trunk" which is aimed at rust/wasm development, but can do the "index.html + app.css + app.js" just fine. Reloading and rebuilding. Just that "building" is limited to minifying and not transpiling typescript to JS.
What am I missing, if anything? Is this something that deno can or wants to do at all?
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