Changing a projects deployment from local cli to a github branch based deployment
When I did [what I described in the title] the project startup wouldn't use the existing kv instance, instead it seemed to give me a new instance. Thankfully reverting back to deployctl based deployment got me back on my old data (it's backed up to s3 as well so no worries there) but I was wondering if this was a known issue (or intended), or if there was some way for me to ensure that I can switch to github deployments without migrating data. Maybe migrating data between kv instances is easier than i realize as well and I just haven't gotten that far, either way any helpful nudges are appreciated 🙂
In case anyone is interested in reproducing this scenario:
- create deno deployment that saves some data
- deploy it manually via cli
- switch to github based deployment (minimalist options, I just created a private repo and pushed everything to the main branch and had it deploy off that)
- notice it's a fresh kv instance that does not contain the old data from the first deployctl based deployment
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