how do I access post data in a deno http server?
Hi y'all,
I am perfectly aware that it may be my limited knowledge on the JS eco system, but I have not found a warking way to access POSTed data in a deno http Server.
What do I have to do here?
// example Server
async function handler(req: Request): Promise<Response> {
const url = new URL(req.url);
const path = url.pathname;
const method = req.method;
let module;
console.log( req)
if ("GET" === method) {
return new Response("Hello", { status: 200 })
if ("POST" === method) {
// What do I have to do here, to get the data?
// I've tried: readAll
// const buf = await req.body();
// const buf = await readAll(req.body);
// const json = JSON.parse(decoder.decode(buf));
// const decoder = new TextDecoder();
// decoder.decode( req.body)
// const body = await req.formData()
return new Response("Hello, where's my data?", { status: 200 })
return new Response("Method not implemented", { status: 501 });
// Following is an example curl call:
curl -d "param1=value1¶m2=value2" -X POST http://localhost:8000/test
Thank you for your time and help.
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