Created by vrugtehagel on 2/20/2025 in #help
Read file as text in JSR package (easy with NPM, not Deno)
I'm writing a JSR package. My problem boils down to; I want to read a file (that is part of the package) as text, within a script (also part of the same package). I can get this to work fine if I use NPM to install this JSR package, but in Deno it does not work; the import.meta.url inside the script that needs to read the text file resolves to a https://jsr.io/… URL, whereas the text file is presumably ready to be read on the user's machine given the package has been installed. How do I read the text file? Since it is a JSR package, I cannot rely on the CWD.
11 replies
Created by vrugtehagel on 10/5/2024 in #help
Deno fmt force `njk` content type for `.liquid` files
With the arrival of support for formatting Nunjucks in Deno 2, I would like to use this functionality to format .liquid files (which are very similar in syntax). However, I'm struggling to get the --ext flag to work properly. It doesn't seem to recognize njk as a possible value for --ext, but even if I use a recognized value, it says the target file is not found even though it exists. Note that it does work if my file has a .njk extension.
> cat test.liquid

> deno fmt --unstable-component --ext=njk test.liquid
error: invalid value 'njk' for '--ext <ext>'
[possible values: ts, tsx, js, jsx, md, json, jsonc, css, scss, sass, less, html, svelte, vue, astro, yml, yaml, ipynb]

> deno fmt --unstable-component --ext=js test.liquid
error: No target files found.
> cat test.liquid

> deno fmt --unstable-component --ext=njk test.liquid
error: invalid value 'njk' for '--ext <ext>'
[possible values: ts, tsx, js, jsx, md, json, jsonc, css, scss, sass, less, html, svelte, vue, astro, yml, yaml, ipynb]

> deno fmt --unstable-component --ext=js test.liquid
error: No target files found.
Is this a Deno bug? If not, what am I doing wrong?
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