Created by Ebiko on 4/8/2024 in #help
could not find "deno.json" after compile
I tried to use deno compile to create a binary with mixed results. Using
deno compile -A main.ts
deno compile -A main.ts
creates a windows binary. (I have also tried with the target flag for Linux, same error) Error Transfering this binary to another host and trying to execute it, does not work, as it will throw an error: Could not find a deno.json file in the current directory or any parent directory. Details * executing this binary on the compiling host works (even without a deno.json in the folder) * executing this (or the linux) binary on another host does not work (even when the deno.json is inside the same folder as the executable) What am I missing here ? Repo for References: https://github.com/b3-business/secretshare/releases/tag/0.1 Thanks
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