Jasmine Boba'tea
how to use .ts files (or their compiled .js equivalents) in the browser?
Does Deno have a builtin way to compile ts into js for such purposes, or is there a design pattern that is recommended to make this possible, or am I stuck using webpack?
I am playing with the Node crypto lib and I want to use the functions I've written in the browser's socket.io client-side code to encrypt the data that gets sent to the socket.io/deno server-side code.
3 replies
I need ideas for different ways to dig into the Deno API's and its standard library
I am new-ish to Typescript, but I have been a programmer for over a decade. I'm giving myself a challenge to do a new thing with Deno every day for 100 days. https://github.com/kimdcottrell/hundo-days-of-deno
Over the next few days, I'm thinking I can test out:
- Deno.connect() and the node-mysql2 lib
- std.assert and writing tests
- using Deno.network to make a script that spits out some info about different websites
- using Deno.command to write a simple init script that I usually would use a Makefile for
But I'm not sure what else to do after that. I was a WordPress gremlin for 10 years so most of what I've done is webdev related, with a bit of devops stuff thrown in.
Please give me all your recommendations. I'm aiming for single-day projects for now.
I'm considering adding Fresh into this 100 days challenge too.
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