Deno check/lint doesn't warn against obvious bugs
As for:
// Should warn on points[3] possibly being undefinedUnfortunately, even typescript "strict" mode doesn't enable this check. There is a LOT of code that just assumes your indexes are in-bounds. It can become tedious to check undefined for all cases. If you want that check, you have to enable:
7 replies
Deno check/lint doesn't warn against obvious bugs
Didn't find it. Created one:
7 replies
Native file selector for Deno
BTW, since you'll be working with commands, if you haven't seen it yet, Dax is a much nicer interface for that than Deno.Command. I use it all the time.
14 replies
Native file selector for Deno
That does seem like a useful tool. Some googling found but that seems to be deprecated.
You might be able to just pipe some AppleScript into osascript on MacOS to prompt the user to select a file.
14 replies
Cookie issues
What API are you using to set the cookie?
Can you verify the cookie header was received by your browser?
Why do you think it's not stored by your browser? (How did you verify?)
Have any code/screenshots? It's hard to debug with just the info you have provided.
4 replies
Typescript monorepo LSP performance
I definitely recommend opening an issue at then. They've mentioend LSP performance improvements in the last 2 minor releases now, IIRC, so seem to be interested in making it fast. Include a link to that repo and give them some reproduction steps. 🙂
15 replies