Created by erksch on 9/23/2024 in #help
RustyV8: Example of using PromiseResolver / async?
but the External and the Function is created on a scope that is destroyed
16 replies
Created by erksch on 9/23/2024 in #help
RustyV8: Example of using PromiseResolver / async?
Oh sorry, yes of course, the promise is the result 🙂
16 replies
Created by erksch on 9/23/2024 in #help
RustyV8: Example of using PromiseResolver / async?
@bartlomieju Oh, very nice, that makes sense. Thanks a lot!
let data = PromiseThenCallbackData {
sender: received.1,
promise: v8::Global::new(scope, promise),
let data = PromiseThenCallbackData {
sender: received.1,
promise: v8::Global::new(scope, promise),
I was thinking that the result of the js call would be saved to the scope, which would be released before the callback is executed, so that I would need to run it in a special callbackscope that is then destroyed with the callback, but apparently this works.
16 replies
Created by erksch on 9/23/2024 in #help
RustyV8: Example of using PromiseResolver / async?
The callback looks like this:
fn promise_then_callback(
scope: &mut HandleScope<'_>,
args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments<'_>,
_: v8::ReturnValue<'_>,
let cvoid =<v8::External>().value();
let data = helper::cvoid_to_type::<PromiseThenCallbackData>(cvoid);
let data = unsafe { Box::from_raw(data) };

match data.promise.state() {
PromiseState::Pending => {
exit(1); //TODO
PromiseState::Fulfilled => {
let result = data.promise.result(scope);
let number: f64 = v8::Local::<v8::Number>::try_from(result)
PromiseState::Rejected => {
exit(1); //TODO
fn promise_then_callback(
scope: &mut HandleScope<'_>,
args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments<'_>,
_: v8::ReturnValue<'_>,
let cvoid =<v8::External>().value();
let data = helper::cvoid_to_type::<PromiseThenCallbackData>(cvoid);
let data = unsafe { Box::from_raw(data) };

match data.promise.state() {
PromiseState::Pending => {
exit(1); //TODO
PromiseState::Fulfilled => {
let result = data.promise.result(scope);
let number: f64 = v8::Local::<v8::Number>::try_from(result)
PromiseState::Rejected => {
exit(1); //TODO
16 replies
Created by erksch on 9/23/2024 in #help
RustyV8: Example of using PromiseResolver / async?
@bartlomieju When I call a JS function that returns a promise, polling if the promise has finished is expensive. So I implemented a callback on .then, but it needs both the promise and the oneshot sender, so I'm embedding it as data:
let promise =, global.into(), &[]).unwrap().cast::<v8::Promise>();
let data = PromiseThenCallbackData {
sender: x.1,
let data_box: *mut T = Box::leak(Box::new(typed_data));
let cvoid = data_box as *mut c_void;
let data_external = v8::External::new(scope, cvoid);
let f = v8::FunctionBuilder::<v8::Function>::new(promise_then_callback)
promise.then(scope, f);
let promise =, global.into(), &[]).unwrap().cast::<v8::Promise>();
let data = PromiseThenCallbackData {
sender: x.1,
let data_box: *mut T = Box::leak(Box::new(typed_data));
let cvoid = data_box as *mut c_void;
let data_external = v8::External::new(scope, cvoid);
let f = v8::FunctionBuilder::<v8::Function>::new(promise_then_callback)
promise.then(scope, f);
Unfortunately this either causes a 1) use-after-free, if I create a short-lived scope (callback outlives it) 2) memory leak I tried to use CallbackScope but that isnt accepted as a scope arg. What's the right approach? Basically I want all of the above to get dropped only when the callback has finished.
16 replies
Created by erksch on 9/23/2024 in #help
RustyV8: Example of using PromiseResolver / async?
@bartlomieju I managed to get it all to work, but it was quite a fight 🫠
I did manage to implement bidirectional async without MaskFutureAsSend, so that's something 🥂 Can I get back to you if I face another blocking issue? I realize this is a Deno support forum and not really for RustyV8 🙂
16 replies
Created by erksch on 9/22/2024 in #help
Embedding RustyV8: Fatal JavaScript out of memory: Reached heap limit
Indeed that solved the issue.
c.bench_function("v8 json deserialize", |b| {
b.iter(|| {
let scope = &mut HandleScope::new(scope);
let json_str = r#"{"key": "value", "number": 42}"#;
let json_v8_str = v8::String::new(scope, json_str).unwrap();
let _json_obj = v8::json::parse(scope, json_v8_str).unwrap();
c.bench_function("v8 json deserialize", |b| {
b.iter(|| {
let scope = &mut HandleScope::new(scope);
let json_str = r#"{"key": "value", "number": 42}"#;
let json_v8_str = v8::String::new(scope, json_str).unwrap();
let _json_obj = v8::json::parse(scope, json_v8_str).unwrap();
@bartlomieju I was thinking about implementing a custom deserializer (e.g. from bincode), and did a trivial benchmark of String::new, but it seems rather slow? I assume the V8 deserializer has a more direct/lowlevel approach? Would it be feasible to do in Rust using the RustyV8 bindings?
c.bench_function("v8 1k string new", |b| {
let json_str = r#"{"key": "value", "number": 42}"#;
b.iter(|| {
let scope = &mut HandleScope::new(scope);
for _ in 0..1000 {
black_box(v8::String::new(scope, json_str).unwrap());
c.bench_function("v8 1k string new", |b| {
let json_str = r#"{"key": "value", "number": 42}"#;
b.iter(|| {
let scope = &mut HandleScope::new(scope);
for _ in 0..1000 {
black_box(v8::String::new(scope, json_str).unwrap());
4 replies