auto import in VSCode/Zed (general LSP support for auto importing)
Hi all. I'm working with a fresh Deno project in VSCode and can't seem to get import autocompletes to work. All other LSP functionality seems to be working correctly. I have the following
If I try to write out Hono
, I don't get any prompt to import from @hono/hono
. If I manually add the import { Hono } from "@hono/hono";
import, following attemps to write out Hono
will at least give me an autocomplete that references the @hono/hono
dependency, but nothing will automatically add the import to the file.
For what it's worth, I experience the same issues with the LSP in Zed. I also tested with imports from jsr:@oak/oak
to see if there was something off with Hono specifically, but experienced the same issues there.
It looks like there was some recent work to fix auto-importing specifically for npm libraries, so I'm not sure if perhaps that has impacted things here...
Any support is greatly appreciated. Thanks!10 replies