Test using png mocks
When using imports with
files it will crash denos testing system with a warning:
While I understand the problem, how can i mock away the png and replace it with an identity object or something similar?
In jest i would transform it away (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46898638/importing-images-breaks-jest-test) but i am not sure how deno would handle thisStack Overflow
Importing images breaks jest test
In React components importing assets
(ex, import logo from "../../../assets/img/logo.png)
gives such error
29 Replies
Not possible with Deno's built in test runner. Solution is to stick with
or vitest
Hmm, guessing i'd have to write everything in jest then, right ?
yes, use
or vitest
That's a shame, is there any support for this planned ?
Importing 'css' files will cause a similar issue so i am assuming a lot of people are running into this issue
no, support planned any time soon I'm afraid. The team is pretty evenly split on whether we should add a module loader API to support loading non-js files
so I doubt it would be added anytime soon
If i were to use something other than deno, i guess deno test, coverage and other things would also need to be done by jest ?
Ah, that's a shame
yes, all these features are part of the test runner.
I am a bit confused as to how front-end development and testing should even be possible then
vite + vitest is the typical setup
yeah but i cannot use
deno test
and the coverage report then, right ?yes, but you can generate pretty much the same coverage report with vitest
I find it a bit ironic that one of the main advertised features of deno seems to be "no longer needing to learn a new test system everytime" and then exactly that is the case
fair enough
Is there a template on how to cleanly do this with deno ?
I hear ya, which is why I'm the camp that Deno should support module loaders
I'm not sure if we have a template for that. It should work the same way as you'd do in node
Yeah, but i am only familiar with jest (and all the weird edge cases it has) so i was hoping deno would offer a proper alternative.
I am fine with trying vitest though, guessing there is not much difference if i essentially use react-testing-lib for rendering anyways
if you're familiar with jest, you'll love vitest. It's basically jest for the modern times
Practically impossible to tell what is modern and not nowadays ._. everything is so fast and new anyways.
Just glad deno makes me forget about babel
The deno test runner is a bit barebones. Works well for simple stuff, but doesn't play well with complex frontend needs
hm, so it would be nice if there was a plugin for it i guess, but oh well, nohthing i can do about this now
tho i did loose a day trying to get this to run xD
thx a lot for the context !
would this work for starting vitest:
"test": "deno test -A --node-modules-dir=auto npm:vitest"
Kinda at a loss why it cant find any test files nad is generally not really doing anything and i am not sure if the how the root property interacts with deno and other options
its not running a setujp file or anything elseThe vitest documentation is pretty great. You can configure all of these things in their config file https://vitest.dev/config/#setupfiles
yeah i am reading through that rn
but my vite config came pre-configured with stuff for deno from the template, which i have no idea about
the getting started section of vitest tells you all about that
I'm afraid I don't have the bandwidth to guide you through that at the moment
I've read through the docs but there is something blocking me from using this inside deno. I am getting this error with a library I wrote: link; It just says to "tell the maintainer", which is me, but I have no clue what vite expects here or if its some resolution problem with deno.
I understand that might be just a vite issue, but maybe if you are familiar with it you can throw me some doc link of what this error is even referring to ?
I am comparing my package.json and library to one from jsdom that isn't throwing the error, but i see no difference
The issue is that some portion of your code or a library that you're using is importing native node modules when vite is creating builds for the browser. This is not a deno or a vite/vitest issue, but an issue with whatever tries to import that in browser builds. Reason is that there is no
module in the browserHm... my code doesn'T use any node specific things that polyfill would fill, evne if i tried it with polyfill it fails.
I pretty much just wrote custom react hooks in that library. so i am guessing its a configuration problem ?
..or am i not allowed to touch
at all in any module otherwise its considered not compatible ?Hard to tell without seeing any code
I got all the code, but i really don't want to throw this at you sinec you already said you are tight on time. https://gitlab.zweieuro.at/wui/core/web-user-interface-node/-/releases/v2.5.1
It essentially just does some custom stuff with
global.window.<func here>
its part of a big project i work on but that is essentially the API "out".
But its fine if it is undefined.GitLab
v2.5.1 · wui / core / Node Module · GitLab
2.5.1 (2025-03-05) Bug Fixes package.json: fix missingt type...
if something is scanning all imports and looking for illegal statements i could work around em if they are listed somewhere
as far as i can tell the only thing here is
Object.defineProperties(window, ...
but even so, that should not trip any predefined things
Even if i delete everything inside the file i am trying to import it throw this error so i am suspecting its not even the content and something else is really wrong
I also treid to find the error inside vitest
repo to maybe reverse enginer it, but i cant find it