Ā©TriMoonā„¢ā€¢3w ago

Help setting up a Deno project for a static HTML5 app using TypeScript and a Live-preview.

Hi all, i'm new to deno and want to try it out. šŸ˜‰ https://discord.com/channels/684898665143206084/1128726030614544414/1332270619060076594 Although i'm not completely new to TypeScript (I can somewhat read it), unfortunately have not coded using it till now, at least that's the plan to start using it . Below are topics i want to cover / make use of: 1. I will use Codium as IDE. (it's a foss VSCode version) 1. My end target will be the browser, Firefox-Nightly in this case. 1. I will make use of HTML5 pages with external nested CSS stylesheets (not SCSS nor LESS etc) and native JavaScript as es-modules. 1. I want to code my JavaScript in TypeScript that will be consumed by the browser as separate native es-modules as end-product. 1. I want to be able to preview the changes live in Codium, while viewing the HTML5 page, and the browser directly. --- Are the above criteria's possible using deno šŸ¤” Any help and guidance is appreciated. šŸ‘
9 Replies
Ā©TriMoonā„¢OPā€¢2w ago
Thanks, i'm looking into dsbuild right now, even created a PR: https://github.com/orgsofthq/dsbuild/pull/5 šŸ˜‰
Allow more extensions for served Javascript files by TriMoon Ā· Pull...
This will allow these file extensions to be served as text/javascript .js .es .mjs
Ā©TriMoonā„¢OPā€¢2w ago
ok so after some fiddling with dsbuild and some patches by the author, im finally able to serve the src-pages on my machine, still in original es-modules no TypeSript yet. Next steps: - Live preview inside Codium, the deno extension doesn't have a preview it seems arf šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø - Translate my modules to TypeScript. Stay tuned šŸ˜„ @mattvr Hi sorry to bother you here on the deno discord https://discord.com/channels/684898665143206084/1303058049208025149/1335357437036859392, but... I tried to ask you this in a DM, but it could not be delivered, and you didn't accept my friend-request yet so šŸ˜‰ Is there any VSCode-extension that provides Life-Preview using dsbuild that i can use? (If not maybe an idea for you...) It would make dsbuild a lot more popular and useful šŸ˜‰
mattvrā€¢2w ago
Hi. Do you mean a live preview of the webpage? I think thereā€™s ways to achieve that like using live.js plus a VS Code HTML view extension. Feel free to follow up over DM ā€” Iā€™ll probably add something like that in the future.
Ā©TriMoonā„¢OPā€¢2w ago
Yes im currently using https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-livepreview but would have expected this to be a functionality of https://github.com/denoland/vscode_deno itself, maybe i should open a RFE on their repo...
GitHub - microsoft/vscode-livepreview: Hosts a local server in your...
Hosts a local server in your workspace for you to preview your webpages. - GitHub - microsoft/vscode-livepreview: Hosts a local server in your workspace for you to preview your webpages.
GitHub - denoland/vscode_deno: Visual Studio Code plugin for Deno
Visual Studio Code plugin for Deno. Contribute to denoland/vscode_deno development by creating an account on GitHub.
Ā©TriMoonā„¢OPā€¢2w ago
[RFE] Live Preview inside Codium/VSCode Ā· Issue #1251 Ā· denoland/vs...
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. We should be able to Live-Preview the HTML pages that use the code we work on while using this plugin, without the need to use another...
mattvrā€¢2w ago
Why not just use Simple Browser: View?
Ā©TriMoonā„¢OPā€¢2w ago
I didn't even know of the existance of that command in VSCode/Codium šŸ¤£ Any idea how to create a task that opens the current html page with that command? (Maybe it can replace that Life Preview extension...) edit: I just noticed that browser is unable to open local files using file:///abs-path/index.html, so i would still need a webserver or serve.js (The latter is provided by Life Preview already) šŸ˜„
Ā©TriMoonā„¢OPā€¢2w ago
For future readers of this thread: For time being i think i will just use https://github.com/guybedford/es-module-shims in my html pages to directly load TypeScript files in the browser while learning TS and Life-Previews... šŸ––
GitHub - guybedford/es-module-shims: Shims for new ES modules featu...
Shims for new ES modules features on top of the basic modules support in browsers - guybedford/es-module-shims

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