Removing file extensions on import

Is there a deno.json configuration to make so that the file extensions are not needed when importing stuff? Deno should have enough context when importing files (unless they have the same name), so it makes sense to me
7 Replies
crowlKats3w ago
you can use the --unstable-sloppy-imports flag; we dont recommend to do this unless really needed (ie moving over a node project)
Sun「無用」OP3w ago
meh, I just generated a the project .tsx? it is then wait, why is that unstable?
crowlKats3w ago
because we want people to avoid using it
Sun「無用」OP3w ago
what, why? is there any major problems on it?
Sun「無用」OP3w ago
still a bit lost on it, but it's something you just accept, ig
NeTT3w ago
It's just bad practice and some unnecessary overhead

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