Deno test fails(using - superoak)
Hi. I am new to deno and I am struggling, can someone kindly assist.
I am doing a backend test case for my code but it fails regards of what I do. I do not understand the error nor what to do about it.

5 Replies
As I can see you're using window object, please install deno 1 then try again
Thanks, I will try it
Thanks again for the assistance. I managed to install deno 1.36. Now I have a different issue when I try to run the test(all tests are in the test folder) , it will not allow me to use --allow-import but deno want to use --allow-hrtime and there is still an issue.
[terminal output]
please delete deno.lock, then deno install again, after that can try deno test
@toni Thanks for the assistance and response, but I am encountering too many issues when using Deno 1.36(certian libraries not supported).
Anytime! Understand your frustration with Deno 1.36, especially if certain libraries are not supported