Oxooxo4w ago

node-pre-gyp problem on macOs

Hi all, I want to use import validateSchema from 'npm:xsd-validator'; which requires to run deno install --allow-scripts=npm:libxmljs@1.0.11 but this fails on my mac with deno 2.1.6 How can I fix this?
2 Replies
OxooxoOP4w ago
Also fails on deno 2.1.7 on my (apple silicon) mac. I would be very happy to receive help and/or tips. The script says node-pre-gyp ERR! node -v v20.11.1 node-pre-gyp ERR! deno -v v1.0.11 but the real values are: >% node -v v16.14.2 >% deno -v deno 2.1.7 I still would be very happy to receive any help and/or tips.

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