deno publish / slow type
When I try to publish a package on JSR, I have the foolowing error
Is it normal ? down is declared
Source code :
GitHub - b-life-org/moneta: Moneta lets you create, calculate, and ...
Moneta lets you create, calculate, and format money safely in JavaScript and TypeScript. - b-life-org/moneta
3 Replies
Does restarting your IDE help?
I have got the message with Deno CLI
deno publish
deno publish don't accept imported function as default parameter
I have reported a bug here but maybe it comes from Typescript check
deno publish / don't accept imported function as default parameter ...
Version: Deno 2.1.4 when I try to deno publish with the following code, i have the error TS2304 [ERROR]: Cannot find name 'add'. export const useFn = (...[a, b, fn = add]: [bigint, bigint, ...