Boopie3mo ago

_layouts are static / Server Side? How "any state set by middleware is available via props.state"

Hi all. I am trying to make a dynamic layout that changes based on the client window width (window.innerWidth) so i can swap the layout when the screen is resized or is too small. I wasn't able to use a layout because it seems like layouts are server side and don't count as Islands so: - I cant useEffect - using a Singal doesnt update _layout and re-render on signal updates it just gets the signal once on load... Instead I have wrapped my whole app in an Island: And this feels wrong... I read the other posts about layout and I read all I could find online but I am not sure how dynamic resizing plays into the Island Architecture... I can feel the badness although i am not sure ,like i feel like when the site swaps from desktop to mobile/narrow it is re-rendering "static" content but i am not sure I feel like ive made a mess of the Fresh Architecture. <- you can see the cube animation restart when the dynamic layout swaps which makes sense because its an island i don't mind the visual glitch really what i am more worried about is not using Fresh correctly and that slowing down my page loads.
BurstUI/islands/DynamicLayout.tsx at main · ali-layken/BurstUI
A 3D Website. Contribute to ali-layken/BurstUI development by creating an account on GitHub.
8 Replies
kliuksas3mo ago
technically IMO it's fine to wrap the whole app in island (as in - it works), but it doesn't feel kosher indeed. i spent like 10secs looking at your code so i don't know what you're really aiming for, but maybe a single layout would work in your case? check how daisyui is doing a drawer:
Tailwind Drawer Component — Tailwind CSS Components ( version 4 upd...
Tailwind Drawer examples: Drawer is a grid layout that can show/hide a sidebar on the left or right side of the page. component
kliuksas3mo ago
this is what i'm using: a single _layout in which this drawer compoent is rendered. some parts in the drawer are islands, so in my case it's more granular
BoopieOP3mo ago
Hey thanks i noticed while trying to figure this out that Fresh 🍋 docs also resize the exact same way: very cool ill try to figure out how they are doing this.
Introduction | Fresh docs
Fresh is a full stack modern web framework for JavaScript and TypeScript developers, designed to make it trivial to create high-quality, performant, and personalized web applications.
BoopieOP2mo ago
they collapse into a sidebar button thats cool The first response to their url responds with the static content and the TOC is an island. I will have to do something silly to support my layout ill have to like make empty static divs and have the TOC render to either one depending on the screen size since TOC can be an island Hi @kliuksas, i figured it all out. the fresh docs really gave it all away. inspecting navigation on the docs website shows that every docs section link is actually a partial link. the partial link loads the main content on the right and reloads the table of contents on the left. I ended up refactoring everything to work with partials. i have 1 island that handles telling if the site is narrow or wide and the same island handles is the toc is open or closed since these are both pure client interactions (window resizing and toggling the menu)
BoopieOP2mo ago
here's the code that's responsible for handling resizes on my website and handles the narrow site nav toggle:
BurstUI/islands/ResizeDetector.tsx at main · ali-layken/BurstUI
A 3D Website. Contribute to ali-layken/BurstUI development by creating an account on GitHub.
kliuksas2mo ago
nice, glad you found out a solution for your case! you might want to have a look at how tailwind can help with responsive design: chances are you wont need to tackle breakpoints with JS
Responsive Design - Tailwind CSS
Using responsive utility variants to build adaptive user interfaces.
BoopieOP2mo ago
just got done with the partials thing yday thx for a whole new load of work lol 😊
kliuksas2mo ago
oh, no need to change what already works lol

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