qilp3w ago

Support implicit package imports?

Hey, is there a way (currently, or in the near future) to make Deno support implicit package imports like the this one:
const createApp: typeof import('../../../node_modules/.deno/h3@1.13.0/node_modules/h3')['createApp']
const createApp: typeof import('../../../node_modules/.deno/h3@1.13.0/node_modules/h3')['createApp']
^ This is a part of the auto-generated .d.ts file by Nuxt. This is a correctly resolved path for Node/TS, but it's not the case in Deno. I would like to be 100% sure it's not supported / not going to be supported by Deno, before attempting to get rid of nitro auto imports entirely.
2 Replies
Leokuma3w ago
What error do you get in Deno?
qilpOP2w ago
Unable to load a local module: file:///..../node_modules/.deno/h3@1.13.0/node_modules/h3

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