WillsterJohnson2mo ago

Equivalent of tsconfig `includes`

I'm setting up a sveltekit project in deno svelte and sveltekit make a lot of use of ambient declarations to provide types for things which are not implemented in javascript, but instead they're injected or mapped at compiletime usually, the includes are managed by sveltekit itself, creating a .svelte-kit/tsconfig.json file with the populated includes, which your root tsconfig.json extends from Deno 2 doesn't seem to have any way of extending a tsconfig, so I'll have to include the necessary files myself (thankfully, they're limited and very predictable) I can't find any way in deno.json to do the same thing that tsconfig includes does. I've tried compilerOptions.types, but this doesn't allow me to use svelte globals or import from special modules (eg $env/static/public) --- in terms of running the app, its fine, Vite is there to do the compilation, but the Deno LSP (in Zed) is reporting warnings and errors where they won't actually exist at runtime. If I knew how to convince deno to do what tsconfig includes does, this would go away
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