Weird Deno Type Safety
Im developing a discord bot with deno in ts, and the type safety for the discordjs package just seems to go stupid mode if I wait long enough and starts to say stuff like in first image, but if I reload it its fine. Its not like the code doesnt work or anything, deno just starts to freak out for some reason and its really annoying because I have to reload the project every time it does, does anyone have any ideas?

6 Replies
this is what shows when i reload it by the way

is there something I can disable maybe to get rid of this bug? At first it seemed to just happen when I open one of the discordjs types files, but now it sort of just seems to happen regardless eventually
Does it maybe help if you define the set style first ? In case the types are checking for it? I’ve not used it so just a guess.
I didn’t even know that was something I could do
How do I do that?
Move the .setStyle to before the .setCustomId?
oh sorry, i thought you were saying deno had some sort of "style" for intelligence and that you could change it
unfortunately i tried that and no it doesnt work
i should have been more specific i suppose
its not just that one method that has problems
its pretty much every thing related to discord js
my files are riddled with these fake typesafety errors when the bug happens