Settings an icon with deno --compile
Hello there 👋 ,
I'm trying to build an exe and specify an icon for it, with Deno 2, using
deno compile --icon LogoAstro.ico main.ts
as mentioned in the documentation (
And it is just totally ignored : the build succeed but it use the default window application icon.
The file is a fairly light .ico image.
So, is there some hidden specification for it ? Or is it a known issue ?

4 Replies
@divy please take a look
I wasn’t able to reproduce on windows but I think I know what might be happening
@Naokim can you open an issue if there isn’t one already?
Sure, I'll do it soon
There you go :
Deno compile --icon not taken into account · Issue #26400 · denolan...
Version: Deno 2.0.0 Platform: Windows When specifying an icon (.ico 128x128px) for the exe using : deno compile --icon LogoName.ico main.ts => The build succeed but the default windows applicati...