Is there a way to use tsserver instead of deno lsp in VSCode?
Deno LSP lacks features. Is there a way to configure tsserver to work with deno?
2 Replies
Which features are lacking? And no, default Ts server won't be able to understand stuff like jsr or npm: specifiers
i keep coming back to this idea. i hate to say it but i think it should be considered as a viable way forward... not the default, but paved as a secondary happy path
personally, i experience LSP issues alllll the time (slowness, stops randomly, broken syntax state/tree, etc)
and, at best, w.o any LSP issues, ive had a number of times where a fully working Deno project produces / allows types that fail in more recent versions of
than what Deno has baked in
in other words, today Deno has ts 5.6.2 whereas 5.7.4 is the latest version of typescript, which doesnt only mean new TS features... things like narrowing/inference change or improve
i love the deno tool chain, but this is routinely the only pain point where i'll likely continue w/o the vscode extension and use less of deno
i think fighting the lsp is costing me more time than the rest of the tool chain is saving me :/