[bug ✨] Cannot find module (in vs code)
Describe the bug
I recently created a deno jsr package for exciting purposes. this is my package called @devloeprsabbir/hello
Expected behavior
as I set a screenshot.. I'm getting errors on VS code but the code works perfectly when I run my code with
deno main.ts
also I'm not getting any check errors.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
DENO 2 🐸
vscode: xxx deno: xxx extension: xxx2 Replies
Make sure to enable the Deno vscode extension in your project. If the error message ends with an error code like
then it's not active. If it's active errors will have this code: deno-ts(<number>)
To enable the Deno extension in your project make sure that you have the official Deno extension installed and run the Deno: Enable
command from the command pallette in vscodeThank you so much, I did 🙂