function5mo ago

Stream a Sharp object / Node Readable with Deno.serve()

This works but isn't quite as fast as piping to the response object of node:http's createServer. Can i somehow pipe the Sharp object directly to the response without writing my own ReadableStream?
import sharp from "npm:sharp";

Deno.serve(() => {
const thing = sharp("img.png").webp(); // 'thing' implements node:streams/Duplex

const body = new ReadableStream({
start(controller) {
thing.on("data", (chunk) => controller.enqueue(chunk));
thing.on("end", () => controller.close());

return new Response(body);
import sharp from "npm:sharp";

Deno.serve(() => {
const thing = sharp("img.png").webp(); // 'thing' implements node:streams/Duplex

const body = new ReadableStream({
start(controller) {
thing.on("data", (chunk) => controller.enqueue(chunk));
thing.on("end", () => controller.close());

return new Response(body);
(Note: cancel() and headers omitted for brevity)
2 Replies
functionOP5mo ago
This also sort of works but is actually crazy slow, like ~3x (always loading a 20MB image on purpose to exaggerate performance differences):
import { Readable } from "node:stream";
import sharp from "npm:sharp";

Deno.serve(() => {
const thing = sharp("img.png").webp();

return new Response(Readable.toWeb(thing));
import { Readable } from "node:stream";
import sharp from "npm:sharp";

Deno.serve(() => {
const thing = sharp("img.png").webp();

return new Response(Readable.toWeb(thing));
toWeb was added in Node v17 and is still marked as experimental
bartlomieju5mo ago
Opening an issue on GitHub would be useful to see if we can squeeze more performance.

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