m4rc3l055mo ago

Deno v2 deno install not installing all dep files

Hey, trying to create a docker image using deno v2 where i install dependencies before copying source files like
FROM docker.io/denoland/deno:alpine-2.0.0

RUN mkdir /app
RUN chown -R deno:deno /app

USER deno


COPY --chown=deno:deno deno.json deno.lock .

RUN deno install --node-modules-dir
RUN deno eval "import '@db/sqlite'"

COPY --chown=deno:deno . .

RUN mkdir /app/data
VOLUME [ "/app/data" ]

EXPOSE 4321 4322
FROM docker.io/denoland/deno:alpine-2.0.0

RUN mkdir /app
RUN chown -R deno:deno /app

USER deno


COPY --chown=deno:deno deno.json deno.lock .

RUN deno install --node-modules-dir
RUN deno eval "import '@db/sqlite'"

COPY --chown=deno:deno . .

RUN mkdir /app/data
VOLUME [ "/app/data" ]

EXPOSE 4321 4322
But i am running into a problem when i run the image i get an error:
error: Specifier not found in cache: "https://jsr.io/@hono/hono/4.6.2/src/jsx/jsx-runtime.ts", --cached-only is specified.
at file:///app/src/apps/web/app.tsx:1:1
error: Specifier not found in cache: "https://jsr.io/@hono/hono/4.6.2/src/jsx/jsx-runtime.ts", --cached-only is specified.
at file:///app/src/apps/web/app.tsx:1:1
My deno.json file looks like
"compilerOptions": {
"jsx": "precompile",
"jsxImportSource": "@hono/hono/jsx"
"lock": {
"frozen": true
"imports": {
"@hono/hono": "jsr:@hono/hono@4.6.2",
"compilerOptions": {
"jsx": "precompile",
"jsxImportSource": "@hono/hono/jsx"
"lock": {
"frozen": true
"imports": {
"@hono/hono": "jsr:@hono/hono@4.6.2",
What could be the issue? i am under the impression that deno install would install all files from all deps
7 Replies
m4rc3l05OP5mo ago
Another version of the above issue and a bit more weird i think is, i have this deno project:
"lock": {
"frozen": true
"imports": {
"@david/dax": "jsr:@david/dax@^0.42.0",
"@std/cli": "jsr:@std/cli@1.0.6",
"@std/path": "jsr:@std/path@^1.0.6",
"@std/yaml": "jsr:@std/yaml@1.0.5"
"lock": {
"frozen": true
"imports": {
"@david/dax": "jsr:@david/dax@^0.42.0",
"@std/cli": "jsr:@std/cli@1.0.6",
"@std/path": "jsr:@std/path@^1.0.6",
"@std/yaml": "jsr:@std/yaml@1.0.5"
Where if i run deno install && deno run --cached-only main.ts all goes well but if i do deno install && deno compile --cached-only main.ts i get the error
error: Specifier not found in cache: "https://jsr.io/@std/yaml/1.0.5/_type.ts", --cached-only is specified.
at https://jsr.io/@std/yaml/1.0.5/_loader_state.ts:40:37
error: Specifier not found in cache: "https://jsr.io/@std/yaml/1.0.5/_type.ts", --cached-only is specified.
at https://jsr.io/@std/yaml/1.0.5/_loader_state.ts:40:37
What could be triggering this inconsistencies? i am expecting that both deno run --cached-only and deno compile --cached only to be able to run successfully.
bartlomieju5mo ago
Does it work correctly if you do deno compile without --cached-only?
cococore5mo ago
i am interesting too, to know details
m4rc3l05OP5mo ago
without --cached-only it does work, i get the downloading log and it finishes ok. it just feels weird that it has do download more stuff after a deno install has been issued, am i wrong on this assumption?
bartlomieju5mo ago
It seems like a bug. A GitHub issue would be helpful here also we can fogu4e out what's wrong
m4rc3l05OP5mo ago
will do thx
m4rc3l05OP5mo ago
deno install does not cache all dep files. · Issue #26180 · denol...
Hi, Given the following deno.json file { // ... "lock": { "frozen": true }, "imports": { "@david/dax": "jsr:@david/dax@0.42.0", "@std/cli"...

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