Getting Error: Could not open library: The specified module could not be found. while opening a dll
This is the code
const dllPath = "./uFCoder-x86_64.dll"
const uFCoder = Deno.dlopen(
ReaderOpen: {
parameters: [],
result: "i32",
5 Replies
Could you paste the whole error you are getting from Deno?
Maybe open an issue in GH to make it easier to track
The issue is with the dll
I dont have the source code for it except for the compiled dll
Are you sure it contains the
symbol?This is a DLL that is referenced in another js project. There they were using node-ffi and ref-ffi packages along with this
But I didn’t want to use node-gyp so I was trying to use deno ffi and rewrite the code
Hmmm, calling @divy for help as they might be able to figure this out
We;ll probably need to see the source code though