In a deno/npm hybrid monorepo, what are the options for importing a deno member from a npm member?
Hi, we're just looking into deno as a potential solution to simplify our typescript monorepo/npm workspace.
Suppose have two members of a hybrid deno workspace/npm monorepo:
- Member A (a deno member, i.e. with it's own deno.json)
- Member B (a npm workspace/"member", i.e with it's own package.json)
Suppose we'd like to import Member A into Member B. i.e. we want to use the deno member as a library in the npm "member"...
What are the current options for this?
2 Replies
it should work to import member a from member b, but only if the code running member b is run through Deno. If you use a bundler then it won't work atm (because most bundlers don't understand deno's resolution)

@dsherret - thanks very much for this!