How to check if stdin is a file?
Hey, how does one check if stdin is a file? in nodejs we could do something like
(example: which in deno can be translated to Deno.fstatSync(Deno.stdin.rid).isFile
Despite this working for for deno v1, it will not work for deno v2 since both fstatSync
and rid
will be deprecated, with the first one being deleted entirely.
So for deno v2 how can we do this?13 Replies
Assuming the entire stdin is the file path:
I was going to mention
but its also deprecated and there's nothing about it on the migration page.
I'm pretty sure I saw the new tty interface somewhere (it might be on the file class now)Hey, thx for the response, just tried but it only works if the contents of stdin is a filepath and it will not work for example if i execute the ts file like
./foo.js < deno.json
for example.stdin.isTerminal()
It's rendered badly in the docs

stdin.isTerminal() does not seem to be what i want, given the example from pino-pretty, they check if stdin is terminal and if stdin is a file and if both are false it means that we are piping to the script and we should do nothing on the first sigint and exit on the next one, allowing to wait for the process being piped to close before closing it self, as explained in
answares the 2 point, but the 1 remain still remains, how do we check it in deno v2 without using deprecated methos? currently i am doing !Deno.stdin.isTerminal() && !Deno.fstatSync(Deno.stdin.rid).isFile
bu this will not work for v2 right?Idk if you will be able to still determine if the contents being pipped in is a file or not
I think you'll need to end up changing how your cli intends to work
The idea would be to have what pino-pretty does but with deno apis, but then i noticed this issue with the deprecations and started to wonder how would i do it without nodejs apis for deno v2.
So currently not possible then?
Decided to use nodejs apis for this. thx everybody for you suggestions.
I am interested to know, what is the pipe if not a file?
You can pipe any stdout from one command to another. It doesn't necessarily have to be from a file on disk.
At least on Linux and macos those are still files on disk
Like they've got a full path, something like
or /dev/something/$pid/1
and deno .isFile() returns true for those paths
There's files that are fifo streams and I think deno has a check somewhere for that since those can exist as a local file too (like $HOME/my_fifo)
Ah, here's the check. Only works on MacOS/Linux this simple deno script that uses the deprecated methods/properties:
Here what i have:
it is only a file if you do input redirection
< deno.json
That looks theyre doing a
isFile && !isFifo
check under the hood to me