Socks6mo ago

Deno compile not able to create files?

I want to create a simple CLI for a colleague at work that outputs a CSV file but I cannot seem to get Deno to create a file, even with the simplest of tests. When I run this normally using Deno run -A index.ts it will work as intended but when compiled and run through the executable it will run successfully but no file is created. Target OS: Windows Dev OS: Mac M1 (arm) CODE
async function main() {
await Deno.writeTextFile("hello.txt", "Hello World\n");
async function main() {
await Deno.writeTextFile("hello.txt", "Hello World\n");
Compile Command
Deno compile -A index.ts
Deno compile -A index.ts
6 Replies
marvinh.6mo ago
Works fine for me. The text file is created in the folder where you ran the command. Maybe you looked somewhere else for it?
Socks6mo ago
I am in the same folder as the compiled executable.. Are you also testing on Mac m1?
marvinh.6mo ago
yeah, have the M2 here, but that shouldn't make any difference
Leokuma6mo ago
I believe cross-compiled Deno apps have problems with relative paths Try something like Deno.cwd() + '/hello.txt'
Socks6mo ago
@Lek You might be right. I will give that try for my mac testing. I compiled to windows and copied that version over to my windows machine and it worked correctly. It must be something specific with the default cross compiled target on mac arm. @marvinh. - Are you specifying a specific target with your compile for mac?
marvinh.6mo ago
No, running the exact same commands as you listed here