MOtherMetroid12mo ago

Warning: Not implemented: ClientRequest.options.createConnection

Using Deno with the npm @twurple/x packages, the warning comes up when you start an eventsub listener, once for most of the subscriptions. Basic example on how to do that in the lib docs: (using websockets, which is also easier) Rarely using github and can't even login right now anyway, so maybe someone else can do that open an issue? Edit: As far as I can tell, everything still seems to work anyway, though.
8 Replies
Deno AI Helper
Deno AI Helper12mo ago
I wasn't able to find the answer to your question in the official Deno documentation. However, based on the message you've provided, it seems like you're encountering a warning related to a feature that is not implemented in the context you're using it. The warning Not implemented: ClientRequest.options.createConnection suggests that the code is trying to use a feature that may not be supported by Deno or the compatibility layer for npm packages that you're using. Since you're using the @twurple/x package, which is an npm package, it's important to note that not all npm packages are fully compatible with Deno, especially if they rely on Node.js-specific APIs. Deno provides some compatibility for npm packages, but there may be limitations. The advice I'm providing is not based on the Deno documentation, so please double-check the accuracy of this advice. If you're using a compatibility layer or a polyfill to run npm packages in Deno, make sure it supports the features you're trying to use. Additionally, you might want to look into whether the @twurple/x package or any of its dependencies rely on APIs that are not available in Deno. If you believe this is an issue with the package or its compatibility with Deno, and you're unable to log in to GitHub to open an issue, you might want to ask someone else to report the issue on the repository for the package or the compatibility layer you're using. Community contributions are often crucial for maintaining and improving open-source projects, so reporting issues can be very helpful.
marvinh.12mo ago
@MOtherMetroid I think we already have an issue for that in our tracker
node: ClientRequest.options.createConnection · Issue #19507 · denol...
import tls from 'node:tls' import https from 'node:https' import net from 'node:net' function tlsConnect(options) { options.path = undefined; if (!options.servername &&a...
MOtherMetroidOP12mo ago
Ah, thanks, must've missed that
marvinh.12mo ago
No worries, only remembered this since I ran into this yesterday myself
Dux4mo ago
Is there any way to disable this warning log?
marvinh.4mo ago
Dux4mo ago
is it possible to globally disable warns then like for all warns
crowlKats4mo ago
no however this issue is in the works in

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