Kofi GOLO6mo ago

Deno LSP + React + TypeScript + Vite (--node-modules-dir)

Does the Deno LSP works with the --node-modules-dir option? did
deno run --allow-env --allow-read --allow-write npm:create-vite-extra .
deno run -A --node-modules-dir npm:vite
deno run --allow-env --allow-read --allow-write npm:create-vite-extra .
deno run -A --node-modules-dir npm:vite
and still the LSP can’t recognize the imports like React The application works fine tho
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tamtamton3w ago
Having the exact same issue. Could not solve it, without breaking the application. This is very frustrating. Deno gives us a guide on how to set it up, even gives us a video tutorial, but doesn't show how to fix these errors? They are clearly visible in the video tutorial.