Deno is not seeing a project
It seems deno is not seeing a project i am using.
Project link:
Error i am recieving in the picture:
I can provide more if needed
GitHub - Swifter1243/ReMapper: A framework for Beat Saber map scrip...
A framework for Beat Saber map scripting. Contribute to Swifter1243/ReMapper development by creating an account on GitHub.

28 Replies
1. have you installed the deno vscode extension?
2. is the extension enabled? According to the screenshot it's not. There is a "Deno: Enable" command in vscode supplied by the extension
ive tried it already, it didn't seem to work. and yes i do have the extension

In that case @nayeemrmn can you take a look?
and just to add, i just noticed the update at the bottom right and updated the extension, still gives the same error
Did you get any errors when running the Deno: enable command?
no, that works fine
so actually, i don't get an error when i run deno:enable, but i do when i run Run:Deno

You're passing a path that contains spaces. The path needs to be wrapped with quotes like
"c:\Program Files\..."
, otherwise the shell will interpret each word as a command instead of as one pathright so, even when i do that i now get this error

That looks like a bug in the JS code. I'm not familiar enough with the remapper library and what kind of data is passed into that
right, but also still not too sure about this error here

Run the
Deno: Enable
command from the vscode command palette. Based on the ts-(<number>)
bit at the end of the diagnostic you can tell that vscode's built in language sever is still active instead of the one from deno. Diagnostics from the deno language server show up as deno-ts-(<number>)
so when i run deno enable it doesnt look like it does anything, with the new update was the deno initialize workspace command removed? it says here i need to use it when doing the installation

I think it was renamed to
Deno: Enable
cc @nayeemrmnah that makes sense, though before when i would run it a few things would pop up at the bottom right asking to allow a few things, i forgot what they were though
but yeah even when running deno enable it still doesn't get rid of the error for some reason
I guess I'm at my wits end. @nayeemrmn can you look into this?
and i can provide more if needed btw
the only thing i can think of is that its my vsc being wonky, though im not sure cause it probably works fine for swifter
It's likely a bug in our vscode extension
i guess that could be a possibility
i wonder if the initialized workspace being renamed messed with the project somehow
It was renamed, but an alias was added so both work. What is in your
in the .vscode
I created a PR that adds a modal dialog (info pop up in the bottom right) to provide an indication that Deno: Enable actually did something. While the PR is merged, I don't know if it's released yet.Are you sure it's the same error, or is the import not cached
its this here

im 95% sure its the same error sry for the late reply on both of these
so im not the best at coding, in fact im pretty new to it tbh, but from what it looks like is that it may recognize it with this but it still shows this error. so its still confusing to me. and theres more in the .txt file but im not copy and pasting the whole thing
looks like for whatever reason the deno extension isn't active and the built in ts-server still takes over
@nayeemrmn any idea what could cause this?
yeah no idea why its not active, unless there is something im missing somehow in the extension but i don't think i am, i did deno: enable and everything but nothings happening. really weird
also if this helps figuring out what i am missing, there are some map scripts with 3.1.2 here
so kind of an odd thing happened yesterday, i went and did the setup for a map im trying to use this script on with my PC and it worked perfectly not giving that error im having. no idea how its fine on that but not my laptop which is what ive been trying to set it up on. maybe i have a plugin that conflicts with deno somehow? im not sure if thats how it would work but maybe idk
yeah could be one of the vscode extensions. Maybe try disabling others and only having the one from deno active
ill give it a try