19 Replies
it's coz of two reasons:
1. The URL was prolly not cached yet
2. You haven't specified a version in the URL so it will implicitly fetch the latest version of the lib
the first issue will be gone with a
cache dependencies
the second, try using an explicit version
like https://deno.land/x/oak@v13.2.5/mod.ts
Red too. And I reopen vs code.
I try to install denon and no works
Why that have a lot of problems
the command palette can be opened with ctrl+shift+p
How did you install Deno?
try enabling deno for current workspace
sorry for offtopic quesiton, but what did you use for recordin it?
type Enable instead of cache
Thanks works. And that error?
Yes but I want routes
Thank youuu.
snipping tool