(In IntelliJ) Deno: Failed to load the import map at <absolute_path> (...)
I just started working with Deno today, and I'm liking it quite a bit so far 🙂
rn I'm running into the following problem with the Language Server though:
On starting the LSP in IntelliJ, I get
I assume the "c" comes from the start of the absolute paths (i.e. my drive letter).
I've tried changing the import-map location to the actual deno.json, but that changes nothing...
Anyone have any pointers as to how I can fix this (and hopefully get nice syntax highlighting)?
2 Replies
I had the same issue. I didn't find a way to resolve it. Here is the bug in their system https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-63992/Deno-1.38-Windows-Failed-to-load-the-import-map-at-dpathtoimportmap.json.-Unsupported-scheme-d-for-module-dpathtoimportmap.json.
well damn, but thanks for letting me know 🙂